Learning and Teaching


Teaching Methods and Activities


  • Through various learning strategies such as stories, discussions, visits, data collection, teaching aids, group activities and computer, we enable the children to explore, observe and think positively, encouraging them to nurture and internalize good living habit, problem-solving aptitude and correct values.



  • Every week, we arrange Putonghua and foreign teachers to give classes to help children cultivate biliterate and trilingual abilities, promoting their expression and language proficiencies.



  • To practice multiple intelligences curricula, we specially offer different free interest classes in the afternoon to let children participate in diverse activities, including all-English activities, art class, emotional activity class, gymnastics class, creative science and mathematics activities, English spelling class and dancing class, so as to explore and develop their potentials.​​


            Gymnastics class


                  Dancing class



    Orff music class


    Putonghua lesson


    Emotional class


    Art class

    Phonics class


    Creative science and
    mathematics class


    English class 


    English lesson